/Posted by: zur.mchedlishvili
“სიბრძნე სიცრუისა“, სულხან-საბა ორბელიანის ლიტერატურული ქმნილებაა და ზურა მჭედლიშვილის ილუსტრციებით მეოთხედ გამოიცა, ბაკურ სულაკაურის გამომცემლობის მიერ. წიგნი შეიცავს იგავ-არაკების კრებულს, რომელიც წარმოდგენილია ფაბულური მოთხრობების სახით. "The book of Wisdom and Lies" is a literary work...
/Posted by: zur.mchedlishvili
World Policy Journal is the flagship publication of the World Policy Institute, published by Duke University Press. Focusing on international relations, the publication provides left-wing, non-United States-centric perspectives to world issues. It contains primarily...

Fantastic product, my sites all run super fast and the support is excellent! Great to work with, good communications skills.

/Posted by: zur.mchedlishvili
The Book of Wisdom and Lies, by Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani, This wonderful book contains Georgian fables and folktales collected by a major figure in Georgian intellectual history. A Wikipedia entry ("Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani") describes the remarkable...

He is a very hard worker. He faced some frustrating issues with our project and overcame all obstacles! Great attitude and was always quickly available on Skype for discussion. Hire Him!

/Posted by: zur.mchedlishvili
In the blotches of the moon, the English believe they make out the form of a man; in A Midsummer Night’s Dream there are two or three references to the ‘man in the moon’....
Client: John Doe - DB Expert

When he starts work with me, I wasn't sure he can do all my requirements, in a professional way, cus I know my system isn't that easy, it some how like a banking system, with many tiny details, Thanks.

/Posted by: zur.mchedlishvili
Agency task was to create unique design of Borjomi corporate calendar, communicating brand`s 125 year anniversary and representing its history and image as an object of national pride. The main idea was to show Borjomi bottle`s evolution that...
/Posted by: zur.mchedlishvili
The Chinese Unicorn, the k’i-lin, is one of the four animals of good omen; the others are the dragon, the phoenix, and the tortoise. The Unicorn is foremost of all the 360 creatures that...
George Luis Borges

/Posted by: zur.mchedlishvili
Among the monstrous creatures of the Temptation is the Nasnas, which ‘has only one eye, one cheek, one hand, one leg, half a torso and half a heart’. A commentator, JeanClaude Margolin, credits the...
Client: Jane Doe - Coding Expert

Excellent freelancer. Fast worker and knows what he's doing and his communication is very clear. Product was delivered in great shape.

/Posted by: zur.mchedlishvili
In the works of the famous eighteenth-century Swedish visionary, we read that Devils, like angels, are not a species apart but derive from the human race. They are individuals who after death choose Hell....